Laser cutting operations are widely used in all areas of industry – engineering, automotive, aircraft, medical equipment, etc. Laser cutting is a highly productive, accurate and profitable technology.This method is preferred when processing metal sheets with a maximum thickness of 25 mm.
The laser cutting operation is based on the use of a high energy laser beam directed onto the metal surface. It interacts with the surface by melting, burning or vaporizing. The contour obtained has a precise shape, clear endings and there is no residual melting. As a result of laser cutting the metal does not suffer any significant changes in its characteristics, the contour is swarf-free and further treatment is unnecessary. The detail which has been processed through a laser cutting operation could be redirected to further metalworking operations – bending, welding, powder coating, galvanization, etc.
The above mentioned advantages make laser cutting a highly effective and profitable method for the production of details without any limitations in shape and contour. This method is the most efficient in terms of time and cost when working with small batches. A short series of laser cutting is the most preferred and often the only option when operating on perforated sheet metal with a maximum thickness of 4-5mm.